Nakwon Musical Instruments Arcade – 낙원상가

Nagwon Musical Instrument Arcade has traditionally been Korea’s largest collection of music stores and is very close to Insa-dong. The second and third floors of the Nagwon building has a few hundred music stores clustered together. Wind instruments, string instruments, percussion, pianos, electric instruments, amps, speakers, karaoke machines, audio equipment, and other music equipment can be found there. Countless people are there to sell or repair instruments for beginners and experts alike.

Built in 1968, the Nagwon building is a uniquely constructed pillar based complex. On the first floor, there are hundreds of pillars with a four lane road going through them and a market below. Above the shopping area, there are apartments. On the fourth floor, there’s a theater that used to premiere films and was called the ‘Hollywood Theater’. Now, it has turned into the ‘Seoul Art Cinema’ and ‘dance musical private theater’ which play ‘Silver Theater’ films for senior citizens, independent films, and other specialty films.